Si riconoscono i seguenti attori: Marcello Mastroianni, Vittorio Gasmann, la Audrey e seduto sopra l'Alfa 2000 anche James Dean! Come nella cartolina! Adesso però potete attacarla sul vostro frigo.
Siamo onorati di stare anche in cucina. Il magnete ha le seguenti dimensioni: 3 X 5 cm.
Campagnia di crowdfunding Cinekamper il cinema mobile vintage!
Here's a refrigerator magnet with the graphic image of the smallest cinema in the world!
You will recognize the following actors: Marcello Mastroianni, Vittorio Gasmann, the Audrey and sat on the Alpha 2000, James Dean! As the postcard! But now you can attack it on your fridge.
We are honored to be in the kitchen. The magnet has the following dimensions: 3 X 5 cm.
You will recognize the following actors: Marcello Mastroianni, Vittorio Gasmann, the Audrey and sat on the Alpha 2000, James Dean! As the postcard! But now you can attack it on your fridge.
We are honored to be in the kitchen. The magnet has the following dimensions: 3 X 5 cm.
Cinekamper mobile vintage cinema's crowdfunding: